Daniel J. Sorin

Duke ECE

Realtime Robotics



Computer architecture
Automatic generation of coherence protocols
Solving architecture problems with coding theory
Automated development of accelerators
Fault-tolerant computer architecture
Verification-aware computer architecture







Spring 2025:  ECE/CS 554: Fault Tolerant and Testable Computing


Current Research Advisees

Sanya Srivistava

Fletch Rydell

Pete Crowley

Carter Levine


PhD Alumni

Fred Bower, PhD 2010 (IBM / Lenovo)
Blake Hechtman, PhD 2014 (Oracle / Google)
Adam Jacobvitz, PhD 2014 (SanDisk)
Tong Li, PhD 2005 (Intel Research / Lenovo)
Anita Lungu, PhD 2009 (Lyra Health)

Atefeh Mehrabi, PhD 2022 (Microsoft)

George Mappouras, PhD 2020 (Oracle)
Luwa Matthews, PhD 2017 (postdoc, Princeton U.)
Albert Meixner, PhD 2008 (Nvidia / Google / Nuro)
Sean Murray, PhD 2019 (Realtime Robotics)
Ralph Nathan, PhD 2015 (Google)
Bogdan Romanescu, PhD 2010 (Microsoft / Uber / Salesforce)
Meng Zhang, PhD 2013 (Oracle)

Multi-Semester Undergraduate Research Assistant Alumni

Samantha Archer, BSE 2020 (Nvidia)
Martha Barker, BSE 2015 (Oracle)
Michael Bauer, BSE 2008 (Stanford PhD, Nvidia)
Lance Co Ting Keh, BSE 2014 (Duke MS, multiple startups)
Patrick Eibl, BSE 2008 (Duke MS, IBM)
Will Floyd-Jones, BSE 2017 (Realtime Robotics)
Blake Hechtman, BSE 2010 (Duke PhD, Oracle)
Derek Hower, BSE 2006 (Wisconsin PhD, AMD)
John Ingalls, BSE 2011 (Qualcomm)
Ralph Nathan, BSE 2011 (Duke PhD, Google)
Ying Qi, BS 2017 (Google)
Kushal Seetharam, BSE 2014 (MIT PhD)
Yaqi Zhang, BSE 2015 (Stanford PhD, SambaNova)


Office: 403 Wilkinson Building


Contact Info:

PO Box 90291
Durham, NC 27708